All .WAV files at were collected from various sources including email exchange groups, other .WAV sites from the Internet, converted from MP3s from other websites from the Internet, or submitted by other .WAV lovers. All .WAV files on this web site are not intended for public use; and retain their original copyright as owned by their respective companies and are for educational, research, criticism, or review before purchase. holds no liability from misuse of any .WAV files. If you plan on keeping the .WAV file then please support the entertainment industry by purchasing the completed published works of the file(s) you enjoy! To request a file removal please email Happy Wavin!
Nov 20 02:12:52 2008 BREAKING NEWS STORY Report: Three Teens Arrested late this morning in regards to a celebrity prank! Three teens were arrested late this morning in regards to misdemeanor charges of false information, Harassment, and Misuse of a telephonic device. Hailey A Smith 17 plead no contest, Ryan L Newport 19 plead no contest, and Jessica Pierson 18 plead no contest. All three teens were released within the hour and were advised by their lawyer Jerry Spence not to make any comment. A spokesperson for Jerry Spence's law office stated that "the teens were having fun and were unaware of any criminal activity within their actions".
We have heard your request to replay the tape of Mario Lopez while he was on stage dancing with the stars we will be updating our site soon and will repost it.
For now the blog does not have audio... due to technical difficulties. But if there is something specific email us at phoneprankers@yahoo and we will email it to you.
*****I would like to update you all and let you know that the Audio is back up and running it will take us some time to load some of our more recent stuff, but as usual we hope you enjoy!****
If you have any issues with it please let us know and we will do our best to get it fixed right away.
Do you think the prank call to Sarah Palin affected the results of the election?
What celebrity do you think should be pranked next?
Phone Prankster's Thank you
Thank you to all our loyal fans! Keep the emails and messages coming as we would not be able to do what we do best without your support and idea's.
Technical Difficulties
We Apologize about the recent technical difficulties, Our Audio should be up and running again soon.
We also apologize about having to move from firefox to blogspot, as many of you know firefox has refused to renew our contract due to an undisclosed liability issue.
We thank all our loyal fans for being there for us!